We launched a new website!

We are very excited to announce that we launched our brand-new website! After months of putting the website together, we are excited to show you the new modernized look. We wanted to be able to put the stories and the work we do front and centre by making a website that was faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly.

Humankind International is an organization which works at a grassroots level to provide free and quality education and other opportunities to refugee and marginalized children in Dadaab. In order to succeed at our mission, we felt it was time to make our site one that reflects our mission.

We have made the navigation bar easy to follow and moved the donate button so you are able to donate safely and securely through Canada Helps. Amongst the new features, we also integrated our social media buttons for Facebook and Twitter to improve communication. The most recent updates will always appear there first.

Go ahead and explore the new site, meet our Board Members, read our blog and find more ways to help. We are excited to continue to grow and improve this website over the next few years.
