Delivering Food Hampers to our Students

Humankind Academy closes due to Covid

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our school, like most schools around the world, closed. Students were sent home until further notice from the Ministry of Education. Our students were not only missing out on learning but also the food program that runs while they are in school.

In August, the headteacher of Humankind Academy, along with a community health worker from the area, were doing home visits for the students. During their visits, they noticed that most of our students were malnourished. They were told by the parents of the children that the kids depended on the school food program for most of their nutritional needs and since the school closed, they were no longer getting fed.

This report was shared with the Board of Humankind International and we made the decision to begin issuing food hampers to the students.


Within a few weeks, the hampers started to be distributed to families and included:

  • Rice

  • Wheat flour

  • Milk powder

  • Beans

  • Cooking oil Sugar

  • Soap

The first distribution took place in August and two more distributions were done in September and October.