Abdirizak visits Kenya


In October, board member, Abdirizak Adam, took part in the October distribution of the hamper program HumanKind initiated in September. Abdirizak met with the school staff and the parents. They told him how much they greatly appreciated the hampers during the school closures.

Due to COVID-19 and donor fatigue, most schools in Dagahley Refugee Camps were closed.

Humankind Academy was the only school that sent hampers to students and their families. This kind gesture was noticed by the whole community.

Planting for the future

While Abdirizak was overseeing hamper deliveries during his trip, he also organized with the the school to start a garden and plant fruit trees.

Trees planted:

  • Mango

  • Papaya

  • Lemon

  • Guava

Vegetables planted:

  • Beans

  • Kale (Sukuma wiki)

  • Tomatoes

  • Green Peppers

Our goal is to teach our students to grow their own food and become food secure. Our future goal also includes establishing a social enterprise where the excess food produced can be sold and the revenue generated used to cover the expenses of running the school.

Alyssa Etsell