Introducing our new Board Chair

In February 2020, our Board Chair, Abdi Ahmed announced that he would be stepping down as he was accepting a position in Ottawa. Over the next few weeks the board worked together on developing an exit strategy for Abdi and voting in a new chair.

We made the unanimous decision to make Jen Glenwright our new Board Chair. Knowing she would be the right fit and gracious leader we needed in this transition.

Jen shares her thoughts on becoming HumanKind
International’s New Board chair.

I have been on the board of Humankind International since the spring of 2016. My friend Anne Mahon had told me about the organization and I was elated when she said there was a spot available on the board. I was a teacher at IRCOM for nine years, so I am very passionate when it comes to refugees’ rights, especially when education. I was drawn to HKI because it is a working board and I could instantly see the impact they had first hand.

I have known Abdi since 2005 when we were in a university course together. I was pleasantly surprised when our paths crossed again in 2010 when I started at IRCOM. I found Abdi’s passion inspirational and felt honoured to collaborate with him on the board.

Fast forward to February 2020, just under five years since I joined Anne at a HKI board meeting and Abdi announces his departure.

I remember the moment clearly when Abdi told the board that he had accepted a position in Ottawa and would need to step down as Chair. The room filled with silence as we processed that a dear friend and leader would no longer be living in our city. My thoughts quickly went to who would fill the position. Although I knew I did not possess Abdi’s skills and charm I was fortunate enough to experience over the years, I knew I had enough passion to submit my name for consideration. Lucky for me, no one else put their name in, so the vote was unanimous.

The month that I came to be Chair is when COVID hit Canada. Although there have been challenges, every member of the board has stepped up to ensure that we met our fundraising goals and continues to provide support for the students and their families in Dadaab. I feel honoured to be part of such an amazing group of people who have been so supportive and patient with my transition to Chair.

I recognized at a young age that I was extremely privileged to have been born into the life that I have and that it was all by sheer chance. I personally believe that every child deserves access to food and education and am so happy to be part of HKI where we know our efforts in Canada effect change to one of the most vulnerable populations in the world.

I look forward to leading the future of HKI during this strange year and the many to follow as we embark on the new journey of being our own registered charity.

-Jen Glenwright