Co-Founder Muuxi Adam Visits Humankind Academy
In January 2020, Board Member and Co-Founder of Humankind International, Muuxi Adam, visited our Humankind Academy in Dadaab Refugee Camp. It is an early childhood education school and has around 150 students enrolled.
This is Muuxi’s report:
“In January 2020, I visited our ECD School in Dagahley as per our yearly visit to monitor and evaluate the operation of the school. While at the school, I took part in the inauguration/opening of the new additional classrooms built with the kind donation of Rotary Club in Winnipeg. I was also given the opportunity to cut the ribbon on the newly constructed school perimeter fence. These two new additions will further enhance the expansion of the school and contribute to the safety of the children and the school infrastructure.
I was also able to attend the reopening of the school and took part in the enrolment process of the new students as well as the graduation of the kids who completed their pre-primary classes and were headed to primary schools in their respective communities.
During the intake process, I was disheartened by the sheer number of children and their parents who lined up as early as 6:00 AM to secure a spot. According to my observation, there were hundreds of children who wanted a spot while the vacancies available were under 50. I was saddened by this experience, as I had to explain to those that could not secure a spot that we have limited spaces and could not take more than the available spots. I made a promise to those that did not get a spot that I will share my observations with the folks at Humankind Canada and their friends and funders to try and raise funds to ensure those that need a spot get one and that they are not turned down.
During the enrolment process, I observed that the available spots were shared equally among the neediest boys and girls. Some of the criteria used were how needy the students were, and priority was given to orphans and the most vulnerable children. I have also had the opportunity to escort the graduates of Humankind Academy to their primary schools. Before taking them to their new schools, these children were given a set of uniforms, books, and pens to give them a head start at their new school. During their admission into their new school, I had an opportunity to chat with the Head teachers at the school the students were admitted to. The teachers informed me that they are always eager to receive students from our academy as these children are well prepared and ready for primary school. They have informed me that our graduates do much better than other kids their age attending the school. They attributed this to the quality ECE instruction as well as the nutritious meals these students get. One of the headteachers showed me the exam results of former graduates of our school. According to the performance records shown to me, our students who were in grades 1 to 5 have excelled in their exams and were in position one to three in their respective classes.
During my tour of the school, I had an opportunity to meet with the parents and the community elders who conveyed their sincere appreciation for the work we do and narrated how our school has been a major boost to the development and growth of the children in that community. They have asked me to pass on their heartfelt gratitude to Humankind Canada and their supporters. They have asked me to specifically relay a message to the individual donors a message that they are praying to the Almighty Lord to bless them and increase their wealth for they have touched the lives of many needy children in Dagahley Refugee Camp.
Finally, our school, despite being an ECE centre is also a community space for meetings and gatherings. The lush green trees and the safe fenced space has enriched the community and offered a resource the community can utilize for social activities. Our school according to one parent is an “oasis in the middle of a desert” and they are thankful for all the blessings the school has brought to their community.”