St. John Brebeuf School Story
A Little School with a Big Heart…
St. John Brebeuf School prepared with a whole- school focus to raise both refugee awareness and $5000 for the start-up Humankind School in Kenya. Their guiding principle was the 2011 Catholic Social Principle theme of “Solidarity with Humankind: Hear the Cry of God’s Children.” Each grade of the K-8 school prepared for speaker and Humankind co-founder Muuxi Adam’s visit by tailoring their classroom learning to their specific needs using a mix of videos, literature, conducting research, classroom discussion, reflection, simulation games and art. When Muuxi and two friends came to share their refugee stories the students were not only ready to listen but quick to ask lots of questions creating an interactive experience. Muuxi has been back to visit regularly and dreams the students of SJB and the Humankind Kenya School can one day have their own exchange. The school’s social justice staff committee fully supported this initiative brought to them by the school’s principal. Funds were raised through a talent show (with free will collection), Jolica products fair-trade sale, tickets to a special IMAX screening, Catholic service group fundraiser and private donations. SJB teacher Margaret Lafreniere says “Muuxi has helped us open our eyes to a world totally unlike the one we have grown up in North America. His personal refugee story of enduring war and separation from family and of his dramatic move to Canada where he is making his dreams come true totally captivates and motivates us. His example of resiliency and compassion has set the bar high for us and we are determined to help him build the school in Dadaab.” By creating solidarity as a school, SJB has created solidarity with others in Kenya.